Stress Management Program
If you can manage your stress , you can focus on your goal and succeed .
There are many reasons behind Stress, It takes very much of dedicated effort in training yourself to start living a stress-free life . But we could tell you the magical way of making yourself stress-free in 10 seconds .
How ?
- First think what is your short term goal for the next hour ,
[it can be any thing like – writing an email to your client ,preparing for meeting next hour, having a coffee with your friend , playing with your kid or even enjoying your favorite TV program ]
- Then signal your mind and heart that you will never be able to achieve that goal if your focus gets diluted by stress ,
- Quickly span through sources of your stress ,
- Convince yourself that you have to overcome the stress otherwise you will add-up one more source of stress in your list by not achieving your goal set for next hour.
- If you can convince yourself, your stress will be diluted up-to 100% depending on how substantially you convinced your mind and heart .
Try it …
10 seconds completed .
Can you feel any difference in the intensity of stress you had ?
If not , try again with more vigor of achieving your next hour goal .
If yes , Practice it for each an every hour of your life .
BR: Team | Skills Ahead