Accent Training

Every person has an individual way of talking , and accent of voice may vary due to the adaptation of local social environment in which an individual has grown up.
Natural accent always considered good , and it represents the individual recognition of a person.When it comes to talk in a standard language to produce standard results,it becomes necessary to learn the right pronunciation and arrangement of words to deliver the right meaning.

Skills Ahead believes that any specific language has a specific tone to deliver it’s most appealing meaning.Shine your English Speaking Accent with unique and most effective accent training program.

  • Learn & Practice Vowel Sounds , Consonants Sounds
  • Learn Speech Mechanism , Mouth and Face Relaxation Exercises
  • Learn Phonetics ,Neutral Accent & Pronunciation
  • Learn and practice Syllable and Syllable Stress , Word Stress
  • Learn Sentence Stress to deliver right message
  • Learn when to Pause and how to transition from one to another word/sentence
  • Practice Specific word drill with Sentences
  • Practice Articulation Exercises/ Reading Passages

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