Soft Skill Training

Skills Ahead offers World class soft-skills training and workshops across the Nation.We are highly appreciated corporate training providers for premium MNCs and tier-1 government organizations including IITs and IIMs.
Our training programs are conducted at college Campus, Corporate houses and Skills Ahead’s official venue located in Delhi/NCR.
We offer the location/venue choice as per convenience of participants.
Soft Skills Trainings _Skills Ahead

Success factors in professional or personal life are diversified and numerous, but a well-known fact is “soft skills are at the core of any successful personality”.
What are soft skills? How important soft skills are and how to improve soft skills? A well-known list of soft skills is available on internet. Most popular ones are listening skills, verbal /non-verbal Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Problem Solving Skills, and Leadership Qualities. These are just few examples of Soft Skills, types of soft skills are not many but the importance of soft skills is huge.
Every personality is a combination of hard skills and soft skills .Hard skills meaning specific subject or technical knowledge that provides some tools and techniques to perform a work. Whereas soft skills meaning or soft skills definition is encrusted within personal traits which define a person and his/her capabilities.
How does a person communicate, what types of communication a person can use will surely impact customer service skills and reciprocate into business results. It’s necessarily not about to learn communication definition from a training or coaching but its way beyond.
What are all soft skills topics to know and practice, how to improve soft-skills?
Colleges and corporate of modern world are highly enthusiastic on skill development programs and paying much more attention for training and development of their students and employees to produce effective, efficient and capable human resources.
Soft Skills at workplace are most necessary asset for every professional or employee or manager or even business owner.

Skills Ahead Noida provides customized and focused softskills training in noida. We have 5 levels of soft skills course includes basic to advanced level.
Levels of Soft SkillsTrainings at Skills Ahead

First level is for engineering/management (B.Tech,BCA,MCA,BBA,MBA) college students & course is designed to secure the placements in various MNCs in India.We expertise in Campus to Corporate training which assures the complete transformation of an average student into a well skilled , well equipped and Industry ready professional.Our training also includes career guidance,career counsellings and on demand mentoring for the lifetime , at any stage of study or career.

Benefits of Level 1 Soft Skills Training programs to Students :

1. Get trained by Industry Experts and Transform from student to ready professional
2. Get Skills Ahead Certificate for Training
3. Get Life time assistance on career guidance & mentoring from Skills Ahead SME
4. Get Professional acquaintance

Second Level of Soft Skills Training is for Fresher level working professionals in Corporate/MNC/PSU etc.
As soon as career starts , its extremely important to keep your learning curve high , keep yourslef open to challenges , keep yourself motivated for opportunities and responsibilities and most importantly “learn to create and project Right Self Image “ to your colleagues and seniors.Your behavior & decisions at initial level defines your career ahead.It is the most crucial time to work on soft skills.How good you are at soft skills will decide how good your career is going to be .

Benefits of Level 2 Soft Skills Training program :

1. Enhance Professional Etiquettes to create right Impression
2. Enhance Professional Communication Skills
3. Enhance Professional Presentation Skills
4. Learn to work and perform in a Team
5. Learn Time Management
6. Learn to negotiate
7. Enhance your email communication skills
8. Understand the concept of Success

Third Level for Middle Management of Corporate houses ,Middle Management of Colleges and Teachers/professors of higher education in India.

Benefits of Level3 Soft Skills Training program :

1. Enhance Skills to Motivate People
2. Enhance Leadership Skills
3. Learn to create Personal Influence and project right self image
4. Learn to Manage teams
5. Enhance your skills to extract high performance from a team
6. Learn to Manage Conflicts
7. Project Management best practices

Fourth Level Soft Skills Training program is targeted to Senior Managers of Corporates , Colleges , Government Organizations & PSUs in India.

Benefits of Level 4 Soft Skills Training program :

1. Apply Critical thinking process to govern the Organization
2. Applied Strategic Management to develop successful organizational Strategies
3. Learn to adopt work life balance
4. Improve Problem Solving and Decision making abilities
5. Understand best practices of Employee Engagement
6. Take your leadership Qualities to new Heights

Fifth Level of Soft Skills Training is dedicated to entrepreneurs and CEOs . Its highly focused and customized program which deals with most effective leadership qualities development , Image consulting and Organization Management.
Skills Ahead conducts deeper level of Training need analysis to formulate specific benefits required by the participant.

Skills Ahead’s Training methodology is most efficient and result driven methodology in India.Each of it’s component is carefully executed to provide maximum benefit to the audiences.

Every leadership management training organized and conducted in a Corporate Leadership training programs are mostly focused on developing & nourishing the soft skills of leadership executives .

Redefine your soft skills to achieve the success you have been waiting for since long. Learn to utilize your full potential and impress others like a leader.

Why So much emphasis on soft skills ?
soft skills vs technical

Simply because 80% of the professional success is derived from an individual’s ability to demonstrate excellence in crystal clear communications to his/her peers , subordinates and up-line managers . Ability to communicate a combination of backed up knowledge , confidence , personality , interpersonal skills , being social , being impressive as professional , ability to lead , ability to present effectively and most important ability to create right perception & trust for the self  and for the organization.

It’s really easy to understand that in any professional’s day to day office time activities utilize only 20% of technical expertise , rest all is about getting the hold on work environment and people to achieve results.

Employers from corporate world want to select, retain and promote young individuals who are good at written and vocal communications, good at taking initiatives, good at taking responsibility, who are ethical and who are capable to work under pressure.
Corporate world has seen the difference between the professional who are good at soft skills compared to ones who are average. Professionals with excellent soft skills are in limelight and much more dependable when it comes to performance under pressure.
Soft Skills are not optional asset to possess but it’s mandatory to demonstrate the dynamic and capable professional in you.
Skills Ahead defines the maximum lure to soft skills enhancement taking it as most desirable ingredient to success.
A professional need to have excellent Soft Skills, Technical Skills, Personal Skills and Strategic skills. Worldwide survey of employability scale shows up that 90% of the successful professionals come out from the green section of the below graph.
Skills Ahead is ensures your presence is there into the “Success Zone”.
